Surgical instruments

Surgery has been performed since ancient times. The earliest recorded surgical operations were circumcision and trepanation. (Circumcision is the removal of the foreskin of the penis. Trepanation involves making a hole in the skull to relieve pressure and/or release spirits.) The earliest instruments used in these procedures were flint or obsidian (shiny stone) knives and saws. Stone Age skulls from around the world have been found with holes in them from trepanning. Primitive people also used knives to cut off fingers damaged in accidents.

Ancient Surgery

Ancient Mesopotamian (an area in southern Asia between the Tigris and Euphrates rivers) cultures practiced surgery to some degree. Small copper Sumerian (present-day southern Iraq) knives of about 3000 B.C. are believed to be surgical instruments. The Babylonian Code of Hammurabi of about 1700 B.C. mentions bronze lancets (sharp-pointed two-edged instruments used to make small incisions). Because the Code provided harsh penalties for poor medical treatment outcomes, surgery was prac-ticed only sparingly. Ancient Chinese and Japanese cultures were opposed to cutting into bodies, so surgical instruments were not used much.

By contrast, the ancient Egyptians recorded surgical procedures as early as 2500 B.C. Egyptians fashioned sharper instruments with a new metal, copper. They designed special tools to remove the brain from the skull when preparing bodies for mummification.

Hindus Excel at Surgery

The ancient Hindus of India excelled at surgery. The great surgical textbook, Sushruta Samhita, probably dates back to the last centuries B.C. This work described 20 sharp and 101 blunt surgical instruments. These instruments included forceps, pincers, trocars (sharp-pointed instruments fitted with a small tube), and cauteries (irons to heat and sear tissue). Most of these surgical tools were made of steel. The ancient Hindus also used lancets to carry out cataract surgery, scalpels to restore amputated noses via plastic surgery, and sharp knives to remove bladder stones. At about the same time, ancient Peruvians were performing trepanation. They left behind various surgical instruments, including scalpels and chisels made of obsidian.

Greek and Roman Surgery

The Greeks practiced surgery mostly on external parts of the body. They usually used forceps, knives, and probes. Bronze Roman surgical instruments found at Pompeii include a scalpel with a steel blade, spring and scissor forceps, a sharp hook, and shears. In the first century A.D. , Cel-cus

A tray of modern surgical instruments. The ancient Hindus used lancets to carry out cataract surgery, scalpels to restore amputated noses via plastic surgery, and sharp knives to remove bladder stones.
A tray of modern surgical instruments. The ancient Hindus used lancets to carry out cataract surgery, scalpels to restore amputated noses via plastic surgery, and sharp knives to remove bladder stones.
described the use of ligatures. Ligatures are used to tie off blood vessels and reduce bleeding during operations. Galen ( A.D. 130-200) gave detailed and sensible instructions on the use of surgical instruments.

After ancient times, medical knowledge declined, and surgeons fell to a lowly status. In the absence of knowledge about antiseptics, surgery was highly risky. As a result, only the simplest and most urgent operations (such as amputations) using the most straightforward instruments were performed. A few physicians sought to spread knowledge of surgical procedures by publishing texts that illustrated surgical instruments. Most important among these men was the great French surgeon Ambroise Paré (1517-1590). Paré revived use of ligature and invented many surgical procedures and instruments. His inventions included the "crow's beak" to hold blood vessels while tying them off. Paré also perfected an instrument for cataract removal.

The Modern Era of Surgery

The era of modern surgery began with the introduction of both anesthesia and antiseptics/antisepsis in the mid-1800s. In 1878 Louis Pasteur (1822-1895) first suggested sterilizing surgical instruments. American doctor William Halsted (1852-1922) introduced sterile rubber gloves in the 1890s. The 1895 discovery of X-rays gave surgeons an invaluable diagnostic tool.

Great Refinements

Great refinements in surgery were made possible by the introduction of the operating microscope (thus allowing microsurgery) in the mid-twentieth century. The development of laser surgery in the 1970s was another great advancement. Both of these instruments permit operations on very delicate body structures. The increasingly sophisticated technology of the twentieth century makes ever-more-precise surgical tools possible. Among the newest devices are voice-activated operating microscopes and robotic surgical hands.

User Contributions:

Sarah Ann
This really helps on work for school! this is great! Thanx for helpin!
this article was really helpful it told me everything i need to know. thankx!! contact me for further articles .
this really helps with my ancient inventions project and influences me to be a doctor
Tahira Abdul Aziz
This article helped me alot in my project related to ancient surgery and surgeons.thnx
Wow! this was perfect for my project!!! thanks a lot
This website really helped with my school project-which I got an A+ on.
This website told me every single thing i needed to know.Thanx a lot!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
sophia pelecanos
i did last minute project, a few hours before presenting and this information was exactly what i needed. didnt need to look anywhere else
thanks alot!
This site was a invaluable to my paper on the improvement of surgery in early civilizations. Thank you sincerely.
Can you give me a timeline of the development on surgery equipment?
I needed the modern instruments that surgeons use for surgery. But thanks any way :)
This was very informative. I still had to look elsewhere for a few other things, but thank you!
This was very interesting, I will have to try and find more on these things, I would love to be a docter,
Very interesting, I am doing a project for a health science class and the history about this surgery has helped me a lot. Thanks!
Hi, First of all I'd like to thank you for posting this article. Second of all I'd like to know who wrote this atricle and when, so I know what to put in my references. Thanks a lot. Joyce
Great article, though it would be greatly appreciated if you could include further specifications on important figures and their related discoveries for each time period. Thank You!
GayyFaggBagg . :))
This Was Great , But Could You Update It A Little Bit Add More Specifications . ?
What about egypt? I need something on what the egyptians used for medical tools.
y'all forgot about the muslims. they were the first ones to invent surgical tools, in the 10th century. smh
HUUH i love this so much thank you for this this helped so much and i double checked and it is verified

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